Saturday, July 28, 2012

This is scary guys. I need help.

I spent...too long organizing and counting my collection. Here's the result. Plus bonus, two of my dogs. The little one is Bailey although I call her devil dog because she is evil and the bigger one is Kirra who is my dog and she sleeps on my bed...might as well be her bed.

So my final count was: 284

Red: 23 (Not including the 17 CG Ruby Pump minis.)
Pink: 32
Orange: 15
Yellow: 9
Green: 29
Blue: 38
Purple: 45
Bronze/gold: 12
Black/ish: 13
Neutral: 8
White: 10
Grey/silver: 7
Mics. Glitter: 14
Topcats: 12


  1. Holy wow!! I hope I get at the point you are with your gorgeous collection soon! :)

  2. WOOOOooo awesome collection!!! :D
    DUDE!! O_O My family and I had an evil dog when I was a kid, and its name was Bailey too!!

  3. I'm too ashamed to post all my polish. I think about all the money and makes me feel so guilty.

    Love that your puppies are in the pictures!

    1. I get a lot of smack for all the polish I own but the thing is, I hardly EVER pay full price for nail polish. That's how I justify it lol

  4. I have about half that.. with about 20 more on their way, haha. I love the rainbow spiral :)
